Green transportation options for VCH staff

2022-02-24 12:00 AM
Regional Mental health & wellness; Working at VCH

There are ​a number of active and clean transportation options to commute to/from work, in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and enhance air quality. 

Whether you're in Vancouver, Richmond, or one of the Coastal areas, there are different choices available for sustainable commuting.

By choosing a cleaner and more active alternative to a single occupant vehicle (SOV), just one day a week, you can help reduce GHG emissions by 20 percent!

Check out some of these great resources and incentives to help make your commute a little greener.

Bike to work 

Cycling has many benefits as a method of transportation – it's healthy, safe for the environment, and a great way to relieve stress.

Did you know – VCH staff are eligible for discounted memberships with Mobi by Shaw Go?

Bike share provides access to public bicycles for short-term use – perfect for commuting, running errands, or exploring the city.

Be sure to visit the VCH intranet for a variety of cycling resources, including seminars, staff discounts, and information about the award-winning VGH Cycling Centre.

Transit to work

Taking transit is a great low-carbon emission option, and it adds walking to your daily commute, which enhances overall health and wellness.

Did you know – VCH FT and PT staff who commute regularly by transit are eligible for the VCH Transit Subsidy Program

And if you don't live/work near a transit stop, consider driving to a Park and Ride lot, and hopping on transit from there.

Check out TravelSmart for more information on how to incorporate transit and other active transportation methods into your commute.


Inter-hospital shuttle service

The inter-hospital shuttle is a free service to travel between hospital sites in Vancouver, and since the onset of COVID-19, has been increasingly used by commuters.

The shuttle, operated by the Bett Lauridsen Commuter Centre, transports staff, faculty, and medical students (and on a limited basis, patients and visitors), along three inter-hospital routes.

Did you know – the shuttle has been in operation since 1996, and carries approximately 120,000 passengers each year!

Other alternatives

Carpool – GoOrca allows VCH staff to search for nearby colleagues with similar commutes to set up potential carpool matches. It's quick, secure, and a gr​eat way to reduce your carbon footprint!

Car Share – options like Evo and Modo are convenient and affordable, and they offer either electric or hybrid vehicles choices, which have a lighter environmental impact.

Thinking about investing in an electric vehicle (EV) of your own?

Did you know – Sixty percent of BC residents are interested in buying an EV, or already own one, according to a survey from Stratcom and Clean Energy Canada.

In April 2021, VCH began building the largest installation of EV charging stations in the province, at Richmond Hospital. A total of 30 EV charging stations will be installed in the Richmond Hospital parkade, and will be available for use by VCH staff, medical staff, and patients. ​​