We want to hear from you: Take the 2023 GreenCare Survey by March 17!

2023-02-27 12:00 AM
Regional Innovation; Quality improvement; Working at VCH

The Energy and Environmental Sustainability team wants to hear from you: Complete our 10 minute survey and be entered into a draw to win one of three Zero Waste Lunch Kits (valued at $50)!

Your participation in this survey is important. It will help us understand staff perspectives on climate change and environmental sustainability. As an annual survey, it also helps us measure trends and progress, as well as develop sustainability programs and initiatives that will support staff needs.

Take the 2023 GreenCare su​​​rvey now.

All responses are confidential, and personal information (name, email) is only recorded for those entering the prize draw or interested in receiving future communications from the EES team.

Questions? Emails us at info@bcgreencare.ca.