Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)

​​​​​​CPSBC Practice Standards and Professional Responsibilities

Physicians have the right to decide whether or not to perform medical assistance in dying (MAiD) and may make a personal choice not to assess patients for and/or perform MAiD based on their values and beliefs.

While a physician is not required to make a formal referral on behalf of the patient, they do have a duty of care that must be continuous and non-discriminatory. Physicians who object to MAiD based on their values and beliefs are required to provide an effective transfer of care for their patients by: advising patients that other practitioners may be available to see them; suggesting the patient visit an alternate physician or service; and if authorized by the patient, transferring the medical records as required. Where needed, physicians must offer assistance to the patient. Medical Assistance in Dying Practice Standards​ – CPSBC.​

Spectrum of Involvement in MAiD - Physicians and Nurse Practitioners

This section discusses the four levels of MAiD invlovement and can assist you with determining your next steps with a patient's MAiD request. Click on the one that most closely represents your position to find information and resources that are available to assist you. A list of Medi​cal Assistance is Dying Resources for Medical Staff is also available on the intranet (login required).

I prefer no involvement in MAiD

am unwilling or unable to provide information about MAiD, assist with completing the Request for MAiD form, assess for MAiD eligibility, or participate in the provision of MAiD.​​
The following steps outline how to make an effective transfer of care while respecting your decision to remain external to the process. 
  1. Make an effective connection to a clinician, nurse, or allied health professional who is willing and able to provide information about MAiD and/or assist with completing the Request for Medical Assistance in Dying form, if such person is available.
    • MAiD referral is not required to be initiated by a physician. Patient's can self-refer, or can receive assistance from any health-care professional in connecting with the VCH Assisted Dying Program.
    • The patient may already be connected with a clinician that is willing and able to provide information and/or assist with the Request for MAiD form (neurology, oncology, etc.), and this should be explored if possible. 
  2. ​Connect the patient to the VCH Assisted Dying Program and provide the patient with the contact information below. The VCH Assisted Dying Program can arrange for the patient to receive any information and support they request regarding MAiD.
  3. If a patient presents with a partially or completed Request for MAiD form, it should be faxed or emailed​ to the VCH Assisted Dying Program at the contact information below.

VCH Assisted D​​​​ying Program

  • Email:
  • Local: 604-875-4249
  • Toll-free: 1-844-550-5556
  • Fax: 1-888-865-2941 ​​​

I prefer minimal involvement in MAiD

I am willing and able to provide information about MAiD and assist with completing the Request for MAiD form, but NOT willing or able to assess for MAiD eligibility or participate in the provision of MAiD​.
​The following steps will outline how to make an effective transfer of care and/or assist the patient with the referral process, while respecting your decision to remain external to the assessment process. 
  1. Provide the patient with the information about MAiD that you are willing and able to provide. Connect with the VCH Assisted Dying Program​ for additional support as needed. 
  2. If the patient requests to be assessed for MAiD eligibility, have the patient complete the Request for Medical Assistance in Dying form (HLTH 1632). You can assist them in completing the form, and then email or fax it to the VCH Assisted Dying Program. Contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program for support if needed. Instruction for completing the Request for MAiD form can be found here
  3. Patients can access, download, and complete the Request for MAiD form on their own. If a patient presents with a partially or completed Request for MAiD form, it should be faxed or emailed to the VCH Assisted Dying Program.
  4. The Request for MAiD form requires one witness to sign it with the patient. You may act as the witness on the Request for MAiD form only if you will NOT be completing an assessment for MAiD eligibility for that patient. Instruction can be found here.

  5. ​Make an effective connection to a clinician who is willing and able to conduct the initial assessment for MAiD eligibility. If no such person is available, connect the patient with the VCH Assisted Dying Program who will connect them with a clinician who can complete the MAiD eligibility assessments. 

VCH Assisted D​​​​​ying Program

I can be moderately involved in MAiD

I am willing and able to provide information about MAiD, assist with completing the Request for MAiD form, and conduct the first assessment for MAiD eligibility (the Assessor), but NOT willing or able to participate in the provision of MAiD (the Assessor/Prescriber). ​
The following steps will outline how to assist the patient with the referral process, as well as how to conduct and submit a MAiD assessment to the VCH Assisted Dying Program.  
  1. Provide the patient with the information about MAiD you are willing and able to provide. Connect with the VCH Assisted Dying Program for additional support as needed. 
  2. If the patient requests to be assessed for MAiD eligibility, have the patient complete the Request for Medical Assistance in Dying form (HLTH 1632). You can assist them in completing the form, and then email or fax it to the VCH Assisted Dying Program. Contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program for support if needed. Instruction for completing the Request for MAiD form can be found here
  3. Patients can access, download, and complete the Request for MAiD form on their own. If a patient presents with a partially or completed Request for MAiD form, it should be faxed or emailed to the VCH Assisted Dying Program.
  4. The Request for MAiD form requires one witness to sign it with the patient. You may act as the witness on the Request for MAiD form only if you will NOT be completing an assessment for MAiD eligibility for that patient. Instruction can be found here.
  5. If the patient is in the community or in a facility where you have privileges you can complete the initial assessment for MAiD eligibility using the MAiD Assessment Record (Assessor) . The Request for MAiD and the Assessment Record (Assessor) forms should then be emailed  or faxed to the VCH Assisted Dying Program. 
  6. If the patient is in a facility or hospital where you do NOT have privileges but you wish to conduct the initial assessment for MAiD eligibility, please contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program for assistance. The VCH Assisted Dying Program may, in certain circumstances, be able to assist you in obtaining privileges for the purpose of you supporting your patient's assessment for MAiD eligibility.
  • Physicians can complete a MAiD eligibility assessment without additional training, though consultation with an experienced assessor or the VCH Assisted Dying Program is strongly encouraged. Please contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program for more information or support completing a MAiD Assessment. They can help you understand the MAiD Request and Assessment forms, direct you to resources to help you understand MAiD legislation and definitions, and connect you with an experienced MAiD assessor through the RACE line. 
  • Nurse Practitioners can ​complete a MAiD assessment ONLY after completing additional training. Please contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program for more information.

VCH Assisted D​​​​Dying Program

I can be fully involved in MAiD

I am willing and able to provide information about MAiD, assist with completing the Request for MAiD form, conduct an assessment for MAiD eligibility (the Assessor or the Assessor/Prescriber), and participate in the provision of MAiD.
The following steps will outline how to assist the patient with the referral process, how to conduct and submit an assessment to the Assisted Dying Program, and how to obtain the competencies and training to perform the Assisted Dying procedure. 
  1. Provide the patient with the information about MAiD you are willing and able to provide. Connect with the VCH Assisted Dying Program​ for additional support as needed. 
  2. If the patient requests to be assessed for MAiD eligibility, have the patient complete the Request for Medical Assistance in Dying form (HLTH 1632). You can assist them in completing the form, and then email or fax it to the VCH Assisted Dying Program. Contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program for support if needed. Instruction for completing the Request for MAiD form can be found here
  3. Patients can access, download, and complete the Request for MAiD form on their own. If a patient presents with a partially or completed Request for MAiD form, it should be faxed or emailed to the VCH Assisted Dying Program.
  4. The Request for MAiD form requires one witness to sign it with the patient. You may act as the witness on the Request for MAiD form only if you will NOT be completing an assessment for MAiD eligibility or providing an assisted death for that patient. Instruction can be found here.
  5. If the patient is in the community, or in a facility where you have privileges, you can complete the initial assessment for MAiD eligibility using the MAiD Assessment Record (Assessor) . The Request for MAiD and the Assessment Record (Assessor) forms should then be emailed  or faxed to the VCH Assisted Dying Program. 
  6. ​If the patient is in a facility or hospital where you do NOT have privileges, but you wish to conduct the initial assessment for MAiD eligibility, please contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program for assistance. They may, in certain circumstances, be able to assist you in obtaining privileges for the purpose of you supporting your patient's assessment for MAiD eligibility.  
    • ​Physicians can complete a MAiD eligibility assessment without additional training, though consultation with an experienced assessor or the VCH Assisted Dying Program is strongly encouraged. Please contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program for more information or support completing a MAiD Assessment. They can help you understand the MAiD Request and Assessment forms, direct you to resources to help you understand MAiD legislation and definitions, and connect you with an experienced MAiD assessor through the RACE line. 
    • ​​​Nurse Practitioners can complete a MAiD assessment ONLY after completing additional training. Please contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program for more information. 
  7. If you wish to provide your patient with their assisted death, there are a few steps you can take. 
  • ​For medical doctors: 
    • ​​There are specific legal eligibility, assessment, documentation, and reporting requirements that you need to be aware of prior to providing an assisted death. Call the RACE line and discuss this with an experienced MAiD provider, or contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program for more information and resources. You may also be interested in the Canadian MAiD Curriculum, provided free of charge by the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers with funding from Health Canada. 
  • ​For medical doctors and nurse practitioners:
    • ​​You can join the VCH Assisted Dying Program's MAiD assessor and provider team. VCH would then provide you with training and support so you could provide MAiD services throughout the health authority. The VCH Assisted Dying Program would provide you with an opportunity to shadow an experienced MAiD assessor and provider, as well as provide scheduling and administrative support. The program also provides VCH MAiD assessors and providers with nursing support for the assisted death procedure. If you would like more information on joining the VCH Assisted Dying Program, please contact the Care Coordinators at the contact information below.

VCH Assisted D​​​​​ying Program

Canadian MAiD Curriculum (CMC)

The Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers​ (CAMAP) has launched the Canadian MAiD Curriculum (CMC), the first nationally accredited, comprehensive, bilingual education program to support the practice of MAiD in Canada. The training is delivered through a combination of online and in-person formats. 

The curriculum offers a comprehensive total of ​81 credits for the CFPC, 27 hours of self-assessment for the RCPSC. ​There are 13 online self-study hours and 14 hours for facilitated sessions. 

The curriculum is free for clinicians (licensed physicians and nurse practitioners) until March 2026. This is made possible by financial support from Health Canada.  

For more information and to register, click here:

Canadian MAiD Cu​rriculum

Links to MAiD Resources​

Forms for Medical Assistance in Dying​ - BC Ministry of Health​

Medical Assistance in Dying Information - BC Ministry of Health​

MAiD - Information for Health-care Providers​ - BC Ministry of Health

MAiD eligibility requirements​ - BC Ministry of Health

Model Practice Standards for Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) - Health Canada

Report of the Special Joint Committee on Medical Assistance in Dying (2023) - Parliament of Canada

Final Report on the Expert Panel On MAiD and Mental Illness - Health Canada MAiD page​ - VCH intranet. (Requires VCH login) MAiD page - Information for the public 

CPSBC and BCCNM​ (Nurse Practitioner only) MAiD Practice Standards

MAiD Grief & Bereavement Resources​ -​​


If you are unable to find the information you need on this site, we recommend you visit the VCH Medical Assistance in Dying page​ (login required), or contact the VCH Assisted Dying Program's Care Coordinators:

Care Coordinators:

Local: 604-875-4249

Toll-free: 1-844-550-5556



Local: 236-688-8139
