We appreciate the hard work you put in every day to provide exceptional care to patients, residents and clients.

Your feedback has been invaluable in helping us understand what is important to you and your insight has helped to inform changes we have made for the next reappointment.

We have recently redesigned our reappointment process to save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on what matters most—providing exceptional care.

Starting in January, if you are completing a reappointment, you can expect a simpler, faster and more straightforward process—with additional support every step of the way.


Here’s what’s new:

Less paperwork: You only need to complete a single form, your Reappointment Declaration, Acknowledgement and Consent, via DocuSign. VCH will no longer be using the Cactus AppCentral system for online completion of reappointment documents.

Updated education requirements: Most providers will not need to complete any education modules. Per department requirements, Psychiatry staff will continue to complete the module requested by the department, Protecting Peoples Rights – Mental Health Act Forms. Those whose practice requires the use of fluoroscopic equipment must complete the Fluoroscopy module.

Requests for Changes:  No need to wait for reappointment to facilitate change requests.  Request changes (i.e. privileges, category, sites, LOA, Off Staff) when you need them by contacting your Medical Affairs Coordinator


Have Questions?

We’re here to help! Please email , call 604-675-2523 to leave a message or submit our online form​.  A member of our reappointment team will get back to you as soon as possible - - generally within one business day.