Long service recognition

Long Service Program

Each year, long service recipients who reach a milestone (from 5-55 years in five year increments in the previous calendar  year) are celebrated  for their continued commitment, dedication, and contributions to making our organization a great place to work and receive exceptional care. The Recognition team worked with site leads and champions to plan events and celebrations for over 4,000 staff , medical staff, and volunteers across the health authority who achie ve a long service milestone in 2023. Events and celebrations were held February through April 2024.  

Please see the Long Service FAQ.

Should you have any questions about our Long Service Recognition program, please reach out to our team at VCHRecognition@vch.ca.

Service Gifts

The Long Service gift catalogue closed on Wednesday May 1, 2024. 

The gift catalogue for our 2024 long service recipients will be available in 2025. Eligible 10+year long service recipients will receive an email from the Recognition team with information on how they can select their gift.

Congratulations to everyone celebrating a milestone and thank you for your many contributions to making our organization a great place to work and receive exceptional care. 

Who is eligible to order a gift?

VCH employees, medical staff and volunteers who achieve 10+ years of service and who have not already ordered a gift are eligible.  

What can you expect when ordering a gift from the catalogue?
Enhancements include a new  curated catalogue of gift items by milestone year, an easy self-serve order system with gifts shipped directly to home addresses, and a reliable customer service experience.  

The Recognition team is working with the gift catalogue vendors to minimize packaging wherever possible.

Please watch for a Long Service gift catalogue FAQ coming soon!


Visit the Long Service Recognition Frequently Asked Questions do​cument.  

Our Long Service Recognition Program is just one way we show our staff, medical staff and volunteers that we care for them at VCH.

Should you have any questions about our Long Service Recognition program, please reach out to our team at VCHRecognition@vch.ca.  or visit our home page on one.vch.ca​​