Title Watershed Moments: Diverse action for water stewardship across BC health care
Start Time 2024-06-26 12:00 PM
End Time 2024-06-26 1:20 PM
All Day Event  
Venue Name Virtual (via Zoom)
Venue Details  
Postal Code  

​​This GreenCare Lunch & Learn shares stories of water threats and stewardship from different parts of the province: coordinated action across BC health care regions, the scaling of ozone laundry technology, a nurse’s water conservation project and more.   

Following the presentations, attendees are welcome to stay for an optional post-session “water cooler" conversation to delve deeper into specific questions, share your own reflections and projects, and connect with colleagues interested or involved in similar work.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the links between climate change, deforestation, and water quality/availability
  • Provide examples of coordinated responses to water shortages within health-care service delivery and operations
  • Identify specific actions that any health care worker can take toward improving our relationship with water


Register here.

Contact Email ileana.costrut@phsa.ca
Rollup Image
Category Education; Virtual
Location Regional
Content Type: VCH Event Item