Title CASCADES Course | Climate, Health & Sustainable Care ECHO
Start Time 2024-10-08 9:00 AM
End Time 2024-12-10 10:00 AM
All Day Event  
Venue Name Virtual (via Zoom)
Venue Details  
Postal Code  
The Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) model is an “all teach, all learn” training framework based on mentoring and peer support. The Climate, Health, & Sustainable Care ECHO will serve as a collaborative space for people in the Canadian healthcare sector to discuss, troubleshoot, and celebrate efforts to provide climate resilient and sustainable care across settings and specialties. Each session (weekly) will feature a topic of interest grounded by experts in the field and brought to life by case studies shared by participants.

Topics will be related to one of the following two themes:
  • Confronting acute and chronic climate risks: Explores climate challenges for health and health systems, including specific health risks and the range of shocks and stresses to which health systems must adapt.
  • Implementing climate mitigation and adaptation in practice: Explores a range of healthcare practices and identifies the specific adaptation and mitigation measures arising in each.

Register here​

Contact Email info@healthqualitybc.ca 
Rollup Image
Category Education; Virtual
Location Regional
Content Type: VCH Event Item